Writing on paper as a meditative practice is a tool for deep self-knowledge and a cure for many disorders of the soul. This activity allows the overflowing and non-stop mind to shine and bring us back to the healing moment of the here and now.
There are mindfulness techniques that can be used not only in everyday life as a way to unload the mind and immerse oneself in a meditative state, but also to achieve other practical goals.
Morning Pages
The essence of the technique. The instructions are very simple: every morning, before getting out of bed, the first thing we do is take a pen or pencil and sheets of paper and start writing. You can time it, set an alarm for half an hour, or you can just take three A4 sheets of paper and write non-stop until the paper is covered in writing. We write quickly, without thinking about the beauty of handwriting and the correctness of the sentences.
In “Morning Pages” it doesn’t matter what exactly or how you write. That is, if there is only “blah-blah-blah” in your head, then you need to write exactly that. There is no need to invent a theme or beautiful ornate sentences – this is not the essence of the technique at all. We simply write down all our experiences, all the chatter, all the judgments, all the criticism on a piece of paper. If you want to jump from one thought to another, you need to jump. Don’t worry about finishing the sentence; If you want to jump to another thought, feel free to follow this impulse.
The main rule is not to judge yourself for what you write. Nobody will read this. It is recommended to tear this paper into small pieces or burn it – decide what exactly will bring more pleasure.
What happens when you do the “morning pages” exercise
When everything that is in your head early in the morning spills out, a ringing silence suddenly sets in. At first, this silence may be very unusual and even uncomfortable, but this will not last long. After the “Morning Pages” there comes the realization that there is no tension and anxious thoughts left in the head, and it is up to us how to fill the void that has arisen. Yes, the subsequent feeling of lightness will give an additional boost of vivacity.
You need to write by hand, write in the morning. But, sometimes you can use this technique during the day, which gives positive results, only this is a slightly different technique for other purposes. Remember, with the help of “morning pages” problems are not solved, nothing is expected from them, everything that is filled with at that moment is simply written down. We leave everything else to the universe – it couldn’t cope with that.
For whom are the “morning pages” exercises recommended
Writing on paper using the “morning pages” technique is recommended to everyone and always. Especially for those who find it difficult to slow down the flow of thoughts.
Freewriting on a specific topic
The essence of technology. The “freewriting” technique, or free writing on paper, is a bit similar to the previous one. Here, too, write without thinking about how it will be written. But at the same time, you concentrate on a specific topic that you want to clarify. The method can be practiced at any time of the day. If you have a question that you can’t find an answer to, freewriting will help you with that very well.
What we do: take a pen and a piece of paper, and at the very beginning we write a question to which we would like to find an answer. We set the timer. Let’s start writing. You can time it for 5 minutes, 10 or half an hour.
When freewriting, you shouldn’t expect an answer to your question, no matter how absurd it may sound, otherwise we won’t allow the flow of thought to be truly free. There are no expectations, there is only a flow that carries everything into the river of a large information field, where the answer is contained. No matter how hopeless the situation from which you are trying to find a way out may seem, freewriting helps you find a solution. This is exactly the case when the mind becomes an assistant, not a leader. Freewriting is a wonderful tool for all occasions.
What happens when freewriting
Freewriting is thoughts directed in a positive direction. You can free your head from disturbing thoughts and, instead of grinding them futilely, allow your unconscious to find a way out of a difficult situation.
Important to understand
If you identify the problem you want to solve at the very beginning of freewriting, then things will go much more productive. Freewriting can be done on a laptop, but handwriting on paper is more effective.
Who is recommended to freewrite on paper
Ideal for writers who can’t find a topic or develop an idea.
Technique for the non-working hand
The essence of technology. There are many mindfulness techniques associated with writing with your non-working hand. That is, if you are right-handed, then write with your left hand, if you are left-handed, write with your right. One way is to keep a personal diary of your non-working hand. You can describe how the day went, what made you happy, what upset you, what you remember about this day, make notes about your travels, you just need to write with a hand that is not used to it. It doesn’t matter what the topic is, the main thing is to write. You can also ask yourself what aspect you would like to reveal in yourself, explore it and see what opens up with its help.
What happens when writing with your non-working hand
Writing on paper with a non-working hand is a meeting with the inner child. See how uncomfortable, unfamiliar and fresh there is in this practice, and how many discoveries can be made.
It’s important to take your time
At first, writing with your non-working hand is quite uncomfortable – either the pen falls, or the tilt of the writing is difficult to choose, and the paper lies awkwardly. It is important to capture the opposite sensations here. Give yourself time. Even if you want to write a lot quickly in order to keep up with a rapidly developing thought, remember that writing technique is not for this. Here there is contact with the subconscious, and it is not at all necessary to know how it works in order to know that it works.
Who is recommended to write with their non-working hand
Anyone who feels like a victim of circumstances in life, loves to complain and blame others for their misfortunes. For those who have ever been a victim of violence, including sexual violence. For those who want to connect with their inner child in order to heal it.
There are many more psychotherapeutic techniques related to paper: cutting
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