The possibilities for ideas for creating crafts using the papier-mâché technique are practically unlimited. A master class on how to make papier-mâché for beginners includes learning how to make a paste consisting of water and flour and how to create simple crafts with your own hands. Using this technique you can create toys, figures, masks and many other products.
How to make papier-mâché simply
Craft mix is made using a mixture of water and flour, mixed in a 2:1 ratio to a creamy consistency. If the mixture turns out to be too liquid, you can use a 1:1 ratio. Table salt is added to it so that the mixture does not rise. There is also a recipe that requires cooking: a mixture of water and flour is boiled, stirring, over low heat for five minutes, then cooled and 3-5 drops of mint oil are added to add a pleasant aroma and prevent spoilage of the mixture. Store the mixture in the refrigerator in a tightly closed container.
Having learned this technique, it is easy to understand how to make papier-mâché at home. Whatever the manufacturing technology, the mixture is used in the same way. The paper is impregnated with it, which is then attached to the form, after which it is painted. Nowadays, hobby and craft stores provide materials for making papier-mâché crafts.
It is better to use wax paper as a working surface
. Spilled drops of the mixture must be immediately removed from surfaces and clothing, since dried mass is more difficult to get rid of.
Works for beginners
Many people are interested in how to make papier-mâché from newspapers. This is done very simply and does not take much time.
Multicolored flying saucer
A simple product that can be hung in a child’s room. Required materials:
- 2 paper plates;
- ready-mix;
- adhesive tape;
- scissors;
- newspaper;
- pencil;
- paints of different colors;
- brush.
How to make a papier-mâché plate:
1. Draw and cut out a small circle in the center of each plate.
2. Turn the plates right sides together and secure the edges with adhesive tape.
3. Tear the newspaper into strips, dip each into the mixture and completely cover the plates with strips. It is also important to process the form from the inside. The more layers are applied, the stronger the product will be. Dry naturally.
4. Paint the plate with paint.
The flying saucer is ready. Children will love its bright colors.
Animal with a shape made of wire or thick paper
A more complex project that requires creating a mold from crumpled paper or chicken wire. Required materials:
- newspaper strips;
- finished mass;
- thick crumpled paper or wire mesh;
- soft wire;
- sandpaper;
- paint.
How to make papier-mâché animals:
1. The main thing in this project is to create a base shape in the form of any animal from wire or thick paper. The made figure is secured with soft wire.
2. The figure is carefully covered with newspaper strips soaked in the mixture and dried.
3. If necessary, treat the dried figure with sandpaper to remove lumps of the mixture.
4. Now the craft can be painted and left to dry.
The animal is ready! In the same way you can make a doll or any other figure.
Techniques for the little ones
The benefit of involving children in creating crafts is that they learn to work with the material. Through the process of selecting, touching and working with materials, children learn how different objects feel and express themselves.
Easter egg
Not everyone knows that you can make papier-mâché from toilet paper
. This project is extremely simple and suitable for a small child’s first project. Required materials:
- oval-shaped balloon;
- strips of newspaper or thick toilet paper;
- finished mass;
- paint in several colors to choose from.
How to make an Easter egg from papier-mâché:
1. Paint paper strips in different colors and leave to dry.
2. Using the mixture, completely cover the balloon with stripes and allow to dry.
This technique allows you to quickly create simple shapes. The Easter egg is ready.
Dressy mask
For this craft
You will need a ready-made mask form. It can be purchased at any art supply store and some bookstores. Required materials:
- mask mold;
- finished mass;
- small strips of newspaper or toilet paper;
- metallic paint;
- brush;
- glue (pva or other);
- set of rhinestones;
- set of small feathers.
How to make a mask using papier-mâché technique:
1. Apply the mixture to the mask mold, then cover it with paper strips. Let dry.
2. Separate the mask from the mold. Paint the resulting mask and let the paint dry.
3. Now you can decorate the mask with rhinestones and feathers.
You can attach an elastic band to the mask to wear it at masquerade parties and for games. An elegant mask will look good on the wall.
As you work, it is a good idea to let your child touch and examine each material and ask how the material feels, looks, and what it is used for. This encourages children to express themselves through language and makes creating DIY crafts exciting.
Festive items
During the holiday season, it’s great to make some decorations yourself. It’s always nice to decorate your home or garden with homemade decor.
Halloween Decorations
Halloween doesn’t have to be dark. Pumpkins and spiders are permanent features of this exciting holiday.
Balloon pumpkin
If real pumpkins are hard to find, you can make your own. Required materials:
- round latex balloon;
- ready mix;
- strips of newspaper, 3 cm wide;
- sandpaper;
- soft wire;
- orange paint;
- black paint (optional);
- tassel;
- wooden stick 1.5 cm wide and 5 cm long;
- sheet of thick cardboard;
- paper knife;
- scissors;
- hot glue;
- small nail;
- small bowl.
How to make a papier-mâché pumpkin:
1. Inflate the balloon. Its size depends on the desired size of the pumpkin.
2. Without tying the ball, use a soft wire to measure its circumference and cut the wire so that its ends meet when wrapped around the ball. Cut three more pieces of wire of the same length.
3. All pieces of wire are wrapped around the ball, their ends are tied into a knot. The wire moves apart so that all its parts “hug” the ball from six sides.
4. Inflate the balloon a little more so that the wire stretches and holds firmly without moving.
5. Continue inflating the balloon until the areas between the pieces of wire begin to bulge, creating a ridge like a pumpkin.
6. Dip strips of newspaper into the mixture. The strips should be completely saturated; excess mixture can be removed from them by stretching each one between the index and middle fingers.
7. Layers of the mixture are applied one at a time. Each layer must dry before applying the next. In total you will need 4-5 layers.
8. The well-dried product is ready for painting. But first you need to carefully sand the ball to remove pieces of the mixture.
9. If the newspaper you used had dark areas – headlines, pictures, etc., then before applying orange paint, you should paint the pumpkin black and let it dry. This way you can avoid dark areas showing through the orange paint.
10. Place a bowl on top of the pumpkin and use a knife to cut out a shape along its outline.
11. Cut a circle out of cardboard. Its size depends on the size of the cut out top – the circle should be about half its size.
12. Using hot glue, glue the circle to the inside of the top.
13. A nail is inserted from the outside into the middle of the top and then removed. After this, the top is turned over and the nail is inserted again and fixed with glue.
14. Glue is applied to the bottom of the wooden stick, then it is inserted so that the nail is stuck in the middle.
The product is ready. You won’t eat this pumpkin, but it will last longer.
To make this spider you will need a very ordinary balloon. Required materials:
- ready-mix;
- balloon 20-23 cm in diameter;
- newspaper strips;
- black tempera paint;
- shallow bowl;
- tassel;
- hot glue;
- needle;
- 3 black brushes for cleaning pipes;
- soft wire;
- 2 large rhinestones;
- a tuft of black wool or any other material that imitates hairs;
- red acrylic paint;
- transparent paint with glitter.
How to make a papier-mâché spider:
1. Inflate and tie the balloon. Tie a knot with a piece of wire 5-7 cm long.
2. Dipping strips of newspaper into the mixture, place them vertically on the ball until their entire surface is covered. The ball is then hung to dry.
3. Pierce the ball with a needle and carefully remove it from the mold.
4. Apply 2 coats of black paint to the mold.
5. Use hot glue to glue the pipe brushes to the bottom of the mold. They are glued from the middle to the bottom to make 3 legs on each side.
6. Glue rhinestone eyes and hair.
7. The spider is decorated with sparkles, and the mouth is drawn with red paint.
Creative spider is ready. You can decorate furniture with such a toy; a “flock” of several such spiders will look especially interesting.
New Year’s projects
Everyone’s favorite holiday cannot be complete without elegant decor. After hanging the garlands and decorating the Christmas tree, you can begin creating your own New Year’s crafts. You can make papier-mâché yourself to suit every taste and imagination.
Christmas tree
Even if the house already has a large Christmas tree, you can decorate the kitchen or children’s room with a small papier-mâché Christmas tree. Required materials:
• ready-made mixture;
• polystyrene foam cone;
• strips of thin colored paper 2.5 cm wide and 6 cm long;
• brush;
• Polish for hair.
How to make a papier-mâché Christmas tree:
1. Moisten strips of paper in the mixture. Cover the cone with them, smoothing the paper with your fingers.
2. Leave the cone completely covered with paper to dry overnight.
3. Cover the dried cone with a thin layer of hairspray.
The decorated Christmas tree is ready. It can be used for every New Year.
Bottle Snowman
What New Year would be complete without one of the symbols of winter? Required materials:
- finished mass;
- white, orange and pink paints;
- brush;
- bottle with a volume of no more than 1.5 liters;
- newspaper rolled into a ball;
- artificial snow;
- woolen fabric;
- scissors;
- glue;
- button;
- black and red markers.
How to make a snowman using papier-mâché technique:
1. Place a newspaper ball on the neck of the bottle. Apply the mixture to the entire surface of the bottle, including the ball, and leave to dry.
2. Cover the mold with white paint and immediately sprinkle with artificial snow. Let dry.
3. Cut a small scarf from fabric, wrap it around the snowman’s “neck” and secure it in front with glue. The button can be sewn to the scarf in advance, or it can be attached with glue to an already worn scarf.
4. Draw a mouth on the head with a red marker, and a nose with a black marker.
5. Orange and pink paints are needed for the nose and rosy cheeks.
The product is ready. Such a snowman will never melt.
Making beautiful and unusual crafts with your own hands lifts your spirits and calms you down. Some people claim that it is akin to meditation. Early exposure to the creative process always has a beneficial effect on a child, helping to develop his imagination and ability to express himself. Therefore, making papier-mâché is a great hobby for children and adults.
We recommend watching a video about the papier-mâché technique with a paste recipe.