How to make karambit from paper. Karambit origami.mp4 watch online video from Origami Master in good quality.

Origami karambit knife made of paper: diagram with description

Making an origami knife out of paper is quite simple. But the karambit knife has a complex curved shape. Although this origami is difficult to fold, it can be done in just 5 minutes. Watch the video to see how to make an origami karambit knife from paper.


On the Internet you can find many schemes for making this knife from various materials. The most commonly chosen materials are paper, plywood, wood and plastic. Of these materials, plywood is the strongest and most durable. Plywood is also low cost. Therefore, we recommend this particular material. If your friends tell you about a wooden knife, they most likely mean plywood.

Of course, you can make a karambit out of paper, but the service life of such a knife will be short. So, let’s figure out what tools are needed to make plywood:

  • The holes will be probed with a feather drill or a ballerina;
  • Disc grinder. It can be replaced with regular sandpaper, but the process will take longer
  • Hand cutter or jigsaw. Be careful, the puzzle is not suitable for our profession;

Also stock up on PVA glue. We will also impregnate the material with glue; we recommend using bakelite. To add color, you can use either alkyd enamel or oil paint, the latter being more durable.

Any method is based on the manufacture of parts using ready-made models and connecting them together.

Various non-standard shapes of karambits are easiest to recreate from cardboard or paper, but have the lowest strength ratings. And to make a fashionable knife from more durable materials, you will have to work hard.

According to the drawings, there are two manufacturing methods:

  • In the first case, the main elements are cut out of a material 12 mm thick and fixed on 2 nozzles 4 mm thick. Sharpening the blade will take a long time, but the assembly itself is not difficult;
  • In the second case, the knife must be assembled from 5 plates, previously cut from the required material with a thickness of 4 mm. This will allow you to get the clearest possible outline of the weapon, but in reality it will look very different from the original image. This method is useful for simulating a real knife in close combat.


How to design a stencil for a karambit knife with your own hands

Finding a ready-made drawing of a beautiful knife is not so easy. Especially if you are a fan of the game and want to become the owner of an exact copy of a fantastic weapon.

In addition, many ready-made sketches for beginners can be incomprehensible; some small details and ambiguities often lead to a stupor.

You can get a karambit stencil in several ways:

  • Explore the Internet. The web is filled with various stencils. Of course, you won’t like most of them or won’t understand them. But if you don’t give up, you will find exactly what you need;
  • Use a graphic editor. Modern programs make it easy to remove excess color from an image. By decolorizing the image of the knife you like, you will get an excellent finished model;
  • Draw a sketch yourself. Although it is quite complex, it is always possible to add or remove some details;

How to decorate a karambit knife made of paper?

  • To decorate a karambit knife made of paper, it is best to use watercolors or oil paints

    , because they give beautiful shades, mixing with each other, and allow you to create a gradient pattern.
  • First you need to paint the karambit knife white to get rid of pencil marks.
  • We paint the knife handle with several shades of gray. Paint the triangle near the blade dark gray

    and paint the finger grooves in a very light gray.
Как сделать керамбит из бумаги: красим ручку ножа
How to make karambit from paper: paint the handle of a knife
  • Paint the remaining part of the handle with gray, which is obtained if you mix the two previous shades. To decorate the knife blade and the ring at the end of the handle intended for the finger, you need to use several shades of blue, yellow and red.
Как разукрасить нож керамбит из бумаги?
How to decorate a karambit knife made of paper?
  • Our finished karambit knife will look like this. It turns out to be very bright and similar to the karambit that you can equip your character with in KS GO.

This color of a paper karambit knife is called “shimmering marble” or “marble fade” in KS GO.

Керамбит из ks go
Karambit from KS GO

How to make a tiger tooth out of paper karambit?

KS GO has a lot of beautiful karambit knives, copies of which you can buy or make from paper with your own hands.

Ножи керамбиты из игры ks go
Karambit knives from the game KS GO

To make a Tiger Tooth karambit out of paper, use the diagram. Draw a knife on a piece of checkered paper. If one cell is equal to 1 centimeter, then the length of the knife will be 18 cm.

Как сделать керамбит зуб тигра из бумаги
How to make karambit Tiger Tooth from paper

Now you will need to cut out parts from paper or cardboard that will need to be glued to the handle of the knife and blade to achieve the effect of convexities. Cut out several blanks from paper and glue them one on top of the other. In the diagram, the parts are indicated in yellow.

Керамбит зуб тигра своими руками из бумаги
Do-it-yourself Tiger Tooth karambit made from paper

Wait for the glue to dry and paint the knife with watercolors.

Керамбит зуб тигра своими руками
DIY Tiger Tooth Karambit

How to make karambit gold from paper?

You can make Karambit Gold from paper in the same way as making a Tiger Tooth knife. Only the blade of the knife will need to be painted the color of gold. And in order to achieve the effect of gold glitter, paint the knife blade with a light and dark shade of golden color.

Как сделать керамбит голд из бумаги
How to make karambit Gold from paper

How to make karambit from paper.mp4

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How to make a karambit knife from a cardboard box?

To make a karambit knife from a cardboard box, packaging for gift candies is suitable. If there is no such box, take a tea bag. If you glue such cardboard in several layers, the knife will be quite strong. But the shoe packaging may be too soft. Corrugated cardboard may be suitable for gluing raised parts.

Схема курамбит из картона
Pattern of kurambit made of cardboard


: Karambit is a real dangerous weapon that was used in Japan many centuries ago. There is a version that the prototype of this knife was a tiger claw. However, in our country karambit
is not considered a bladed weapon, and you can buy it without special permission.

How to make a karambit knife from paper

Karambit has a rather unusual shape due to its use. It is small in size and is designed to deprive the enemy not of life, but of the ability to reflect and immobilize.

A paper karambit knife does not have such powerful properties, but is capable of imitating and frightening an enemy. Especially in the dark.

And this is an excellent toy option for a boy.

To create such a knife you will need a model and the materials themselves. You will need a lot of paper (at least 30 A4 sheets), so take care of this in advance. Also stock up on PVA glue and prepare a pencil with scissors.

So, let’s get started:

  • Glue more parts onto the handle to add volume. Thickness 18-20 pcs;
  • Place the fully assembled structure under the press for 2-3 hours;
  • Print out the drawing of the knife on a plain A4 sheet, carefully cut out all the elements and transfer to the remaining sheets. Or you can immediately print the required number of templates;
  • Let’s start gluing the elements. We recommend applying the adhesive with a brush for a cleaner look. For the main part you need to glue at least 30 parts. Glue them together with the first 10, then join them together. If desired, you can place a small load inside;
  • Thin elements are attached last, their number on average is 4-5 pieces;
  • For additional strength, a karambit knife made from a pattern can be painted.
  • We take the product out from under the press and start painting. This is a matter of taste. You can draw realistically and create something amazing and unusual. It all depends on the goal being pursued;
  • Cut out each piece. Mentally prepare yourself for the fact that this will take you a couple of hours;

How to make a karambit knife weapon from A4 paper: step-by-step instructions

Our next paper weapon model looks really cool. These are Wolverine’s Claws. And they are easier to make than karambit, because you only need to glue together parts of the same size.

Как сделать когти росомахи из бумаги
How to make Wolverine’s claws from paper

In our diagram “Wolverine’s Claws from Paper” there are only two parts, these are: brass knuckles and a claw. And for work we will need not only regular paper glue, but also superglue to reliably glue the claws to the brass knuckles.

Оружие ks go когти росомахи из бумаги, схема
Weapons KS GO Wolverine Claws made of paper, diagram

How to make a karambit knife weapon from A4 paper:

  • First, cut out the templates from paper.
  • We fold the album sheets together; cutting is most convenient if you fold about five sheets together.
  • For each claw you need to glue at least ten sheets of paper together, and for brass knuckles at least twenty.
  • Cardboard can also be used instead of paper. Then the claws need to be made from one sheet of thick cardboard, and the brass knuckles from three sheets glued together.
  • In the next photo all the details have already been cut out.
  • On each claw we cut out a square groove, the width of which is equal to the thickness of the brass knuckles.
Оружие из бумаги пошаговая инструкция
Paper weapons step by step instructions
  • When all the parts of the weapon are ready, glue them together. Lubricate the groove on each claw with superglue and attach it to the brass knuckles.
Оружие из бумаги когти росомахи пошаговая инструкция
Paper weapons Wolverine Claws step by step instructions
  • When the paper weapon is ready, paint it with black paint, and then draw stripes with a silver marker.
Оружие из бумаги своими руками, пошаговая инструкция
DIY paper weapons, step-by-step instructions

Karambit bloody web made of paper: diagram, instructions

The basis for the karambit knife Bloody Web is made as described above, and such a knife can be painted with watercolors or acrylic paints.

As an option, we offer you another scheme according to which you can make a karambit knife Bloody Web from paper.

Керамбит кровавая паутина схема
Karambit Bloody Web diagram

Karambit knife made of paper: photos of the best

Of course, store-bought karambit knives look like very beautiful toys for grown men. But a homemade karambit knife made from paper can be no less beautiful.

Самодельный керамбит из ks go
Homemade karambit from KS GO

Knives with the Tiger Tooth pattern, as they are called in the game, look very impressive.

Керамбит кровавая паутина своими руками
Karambit bloody web with your own hands

Only by looking closely at this photo can you understand that the Bloody Web on the karambit was drawn, and the knife was made by hand.

Разукрашиваем керамбит: градиентный рисунок
Coloring karambit: gradient pattern

Karambit with a gradient pattern looks very bright and unusual. Any person who is familiar with KS GO, seeing such a knife on you, will immediately remember the game.

The next photo is not a real karambit, just a pencil drawing, but the choice of shades and execution are wonderful. We think that if you paint a homemade paper karambit in the same way, it will turn out great.

Карамбит, карандашный рисунок
Karambit, pencil drawing

The knife in the next photo is purchased, but the mosaic pattern on it is simply mesmerizing.

Керамбит с оригинальным рисунком
Karambit with original design

Karambit knife weapon: details, drawing, diagram for paper cutting

This article is about how to make a karambit knife from paper yourself. In it you will find several diagrams with step-by-step instructions and photographs of ready-made karambit knives, made and painted with your own hands.

Our first karambit pattern will help you make a knife like the one in the photo above.

Схема нож керамбит из бумаги
Scheme of a paper karambit knife
  • To make karambit from paper, it is better to use thick white sheets. They are thicker than regular office printing paper, but thinner than cardboard. I hope you understand what I’m talking about.

It is better to take not PVA or office glue, but one of those sold in construction stores. Clear liquid wallpaper adhesive or baseboard adhesive will work. They are much better in quality than office glue.

  • First, we glue together the parts of the karambit core, which are indicated in the diagram in light green.
  • Then glue side pieces, marked in blue, to the core, 6 on each side.
  • After this, we attach the parts colored lilac in the drawing to the karambit blank .
  • At the end we glue decorative overlays.

    When all the blanks are glued, place the paper karambit on a flat surface
    surface, place a book on top, and then place something heavy on top to create a press. And then leave it to dry.

When all the paper karambit parts are glued together, it will look like this:

Нож керамбит из бумаги, сделанный своими руками
DIY paper karambit knife