How to make furniture for dolls

Children, when playing, completely copy the habits and preferences of adults, especially girls. Each of them has their own favorite play set, including dolls and doll furniture. In order for the game to be complete, in their opinion, the dolls need their own home, where there will be tables, chairs, a kitchen, armchairs, beds and much more. You can buy these items ready-made, but exclusively made doll furniture with your own hands will be much more familiar and beautiful. Especially if you do it together with your daughter. Having contributed her work, the baby will love this furniture and will never part with it.

Materials and tools

It is a mistake to say that making furniture for a Barbie doll with your own hands is time-consuming, difficult and troublesome. Once you try it at least once, it will be very difficult to give up this activity. Moreover, watching how happy my daughter is with the new product. There is no need to buy anything specific. In every home there is something unnecessary, but suitable for doll furniture.

For example:

• plywood and its trimmings;

• matchboxes;

• boxes and jars for cosmetics;

• shoe packaging boxes;

• sponges;

• fabric scraps;

• plastic bottles;

• threads, beads;

• ice cream sticks;

• toothpicks and clothespins;

• foil, cables, wire.

инструменты для изготовления кукольной мебели

It is these materials that can serve as the basis for homemade furniture for dolls. In addition to them, to make it you also need to prepare:

• stationery scissors;

• compass;

• felt-tip pens and markers;

• rulers;

• glue;

• watercolor paints;

• stapler.

You may not need everything at once, but you may also need other tools – it depends on the degree of complexity of the craft
furniture for dolls and the imagination of masters – mothers and daughters.

Step-by-step instructions

We’ll look at ideas and options on how to make furniture for dolls with your own hands from scrap materials a little later, now we’ll look at the manufacturing stages:

1. Before starting work, you need to come up with a layout or find a suitable one on the Internet.

2. Transferred to paper or printed.

3. Trace the pattern with a marker and cut out the finished shape with scissors.

4. Then it’s as easy as shelling pears, you need to fasten all the parts together.

5. To make the furniture more beautiful and brighter, you can decorate it with scraps of fabric or simply paint it with paints.

Cardboard makes good houses. It is considered the most affordable and convenient material.

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If you know how to make furniture for dolls from matchboxes, you can do it yourself. They make roomy and very comfortable chests of drawers, table drawers and other doll interior items.

Wire. The material contains a video on how to make furniture for dolls from scrap materials, including wire. There are many options and from them you can choose the most affordable and easiest.

Now let’s look at successful options for creating furniture for dolls with your own hands using examples.


Let’s consider the simplest option for making a doll bed with drawers for things. To work you need to stock up:

• empty match boxes;

• a sheet of cardboard;

• office glue or PVA;

• pencil for drawing a diagram;

• scissors for cutting out elements;

• clean white paper;

• beads;

• paints;

• thin cable or wire;

• other materials for decoration – and everyone’s discretion.

винтажная мебель для кукол своими руками

Instructions on how to make doll furniture from matchboxes with your own hands, in our case, a bed with drawers:

1. First you should measure the height of the bed. To do this, you can measure the doll with a ruler and, from the measurements taken, calculate the number of empty match boxes.

2. Then glue all the boxes together with the sides – thus creating the base of the bed.

3. Cover the finished structure with white or colored paper without touching the drawers.

4. The back is cut out of cardboard. The shape depends on the desire of the craftswoman or the preference of the daughter.

5. The sides of the bed are glued to the base.

6. The bed is painted in the desired color.

7. Beads – handles – are attached to the drawers using wire.

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The finished product is decorated with doll bedding.

Advice! If you want to make it tall, then you will need to glue so-called legs to the bottom, for example, from additional empty match packs. By the way, this option is convenient because the “pull-out” drawers will be easier to pull out without touching the floor.

If desired, create a bedside table in the same way. The video given in the article will tell you how to make doll furniture from foam rubber with your own hands.

Sofa made of newspaper tubes

For the sofa you will need:

• approximately 200 blank tubes, about 30 cm long;

• clothespins;

• side cutter;

• colored cardboard;

• ruler.

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Procedure for making newspaper tubes:

1. The newspaper is cut into pieces of the same width and length.

2. Each layer is coated with glue.

3. As a basis, you can use: a knitting needle, a sewing needle and a ballpoint pen. A strip of newspaper is wound around it.

4. The base is pulled out and the tube is given time to dry.

Sofa assembly process:

1. A base is woven from dry tubes – 15 pieces in the transverse direction and 5 in the longitudinal direction.

2. We form a side in 5 rows.

3. We increase the racks, making about 6 legs.

4. We cut off the blanks.

5. Add skewers to the middle posts for strength.

6. We break at a distance of 5 cm, first the first blanks, then the second – also at a distance of 5 cm, secure the racks – glue a clothespin to them.

7. Trim off the excess length of the legs.

8. We insert the racks in the back area.

9. We weave a few more rows – full, then 2 incomplete (shortened).

10. We form the height with strips of cardboard.

11. We weave 3 more rows and close them.

12. Fix the crossbar with cross-sections.

13. Wrap each leg.

14. We decorate the product at our discretion.


Making a kitchen set for a doll is also not at all difficult. The work will require different materials, depending on the imagination of the master, including a lot of boxes; if there are not enough of them, we finish it ourselves. So, we make furniture for dolls with our own hands, in particular the kitchen.

выкройка печки для кукольного домика

First, we make a single structure from boxes selected by size. We place it in one large box – shoe packaging is quite suitable for this purpose. If you plan to create wall cabinets, then glue them to a cardboard wall, cutting doors into them. We make doll furniture from newspaper tubes according to the master class, which is attached below.

Advice! If it turns out that the cardboard chosen for the job is not dense enough, it can be made stronger by gluing several layers.

Decorate with self-adhesive film or plain colored paper. Cover each cabinet individually as well, and make handles from beads attached with wire. You can also make a faucet from it, and the handles of the water supply can be made from multi-colored beads. A bowl from a doll set can serve as a sink. Decorate the distance between the cabinets and the sink with an apron, download the image you like from RuNet, print it, and then glue it in the right place.

бумажные стулья для кукол

It’s as easy to make kitchen furniture for dolls with your own hands as everything else:

• wall cabinets can be made from plastic boxes from cosmetics or medicines;

• you can use them to make a microwave oven;

• a clock for a doll’s kitchen can be made from an ordinary button, attaching a drawn dial to it;

• you can make a refrigerator from cardboard medicine packaging by cutting one side part on three sides – it will serve as a door, and stick cardboard shelves inside.

• You can make a gas stove from ready-made cardboard packaging, burners can be made from a computer disk by cutting out the required diameter, and handles can be, for example, a bottle cap.

As we see, there are many ideas for creating miniature furniture, and you can come up with even more on your own – the main thing is to use your imagination and take action.


Handmade furniture for dolls cannot exist without such a necessary item as a table. It’s even easier to make than a kitchen or a bed. There are many options for drawings, photos, and diagrams for creating them. You can use ready-made ones, or you can just think and decide how to make a furniture table for dolls out of a box with your own hands from what you have on hand.

схема сборки кукольного стола

For example, this miniature table. To create it you need to prepare:

• plastic bottle;

• a scrap of fabric;

• cardboard sheet;

• scissors and glue.

стол и стулья для кукол из пробок от шампанского

Step-by-step instructions:

1. Cut out 4 table supports from a bottle. For greater stability, bend the legs when cutting.

2. Next, cut out a circle from cardboard; it will serve as a table top. Glue it to the bottom of the bottle.

3. From a scrap of fabric prepared in advance, a tablecloth is cut out in the form of a circle, with a diameter slightly larger than the tabletop.

4. The table is covered with a tablecloth. For ease of use, we glue the ends to the supports.

It’s also easy and quick to build a dining table from plywood. DIY furniture diagram for dolls made from cardboard
, plywood included.


Do-it-yourself household furniture for dolls can be made not only from cardboard, but from paper
. Here is this microwave, made from an ordinary office pencil sharpener, with a removable lid. Covered with white paper, you can also use regular foil, then it will turn out to be metallic. We make handles, levers and toggle switches from plasticine. This miniature microwave oven will significantly decorate the kitchen furniture for Barbie dolls, as it looks realistic and functional.

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This household appliance is a must have for a good housewife, even if she is a very small one. It is very easy to build furniture from cardboard because this material is easy to work with, easily takes the desired shape, and adheres well.

For work you will need:

• cardboard tea box;

• white acrylic, you can also use gouache;

• cotton buds;

• thick cardboard.

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Work progress:

1. Using a utility knife, you need to cut the top of the tea box so that we have self-opening doors.

2. Cut out shelves of the required width from cardboard.

3. Increase the length by a few millimeters, bend it down, insert it into the refrigerator, and attach it to the side with tape or glue.

4. Use the same tape to secure the door.

5. Cover the refrigerator with white paper.

6. We form handles from cotton swabs and glue them to the door. We paint with acrylic paint.

7. Cut out small pictures (you can use stickers) that imitate magnets.

Such a cute refrigerator will become a real decoration for a doll’s kitchen.


Anyone who has:
can make such furniture for their daughter.

• fantasy;

• perseverance;

• wish;

• patience;

• time.

как сделать кукольный стул из бумаги

If you have no ideas, you can choose from a selection of drawings, do-it-yourself cardboard furniture, photos and diagrams for tables, beds, chairs and other doll furniture.

схема сборки кукольного стула

From three boxes you can make this wonderful chair-stool. For very tiny dolls, matchboxes glued together are suitable.

To give additional strength, they are additionally connected with either masking or regular tape. A cardboard circle glued on top, covered with fabric with padding polyester, will add softness and style to the product.

You can make furniture for dolls from plasticine, including chairs – it’s very quick and easy, finishing them according to your preference. You can look at ready-made ideas from the Internet, or you can come up with an idea yourself. This version of chairs is made from a regular thermometer tube.

It is done very simply:

1. First, the finished size of the product is measured – the doll is placed next to the tube and the height of the chair and back are measured.

2. For convenience, draw a model of the chair on a tube, then cut it out with scissors.

3. The recess is filled with crumpled pieces of paper or foam rubber.

4. Then the product is covered with colored film or paper and wrapped in a piece of fabric.

All! The chair is ready – quickly and easily.


At home, you can create any doll sets from what you have at hand. After all, making furniture for dolls, and especially together with a child, is the highest reward for a parent. It becomes the most beloved and the most beautiful because it is made with love. There are a lot of recommendations and tips on how to make furniture for Barbie dolls, do-it-yourself clothes and other miniature accessories, including a real beauty salon.

игрушечный дом и мебель для кукол

A hairdressing salon must have tables, a sofa for relaxing, a sink, a TV, armchairs and a dressing table. Making this furniture for dolls from boxes with your own hands is not difficult at all. Useful for the dressing table:

• cardboard box;

• sheet cardboard;

• a piece of foil;

• a small piece of ceiling plinth;

• glue, marker;

• self-adhesive or colored paper.

Step-by-step instructions on how to make doll furniture out of cardboard – in the form of a dressing table:

1. The height of the future structure is marked on the cardboard box.

2. The excess is cut off.

3. The base of the table should be the bottom of the box, and that is what is used.

4. Supports (legs) are cut out from the bottom.

5. Glue the parts together with glue.

6. We paste the decor on top – colored paper or film.

7. The shape of the future mirror is drawn on cardboard.

8. Glue foil onto the protruding part of the cardboard, the size corresponding to the mirror.

9. The edge (finishing frame) is made from thinly cut pieces of plinth. The table and mirror are connected.

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The chair for the table is made according to a similar pattern. Only its height changes, and instead of a mirror, a back is made.

If the dressing table is supplemented with a chest of drawers or a nightstand for storing things, the appearance of the hairdresser will significantly change. Lay out your hairdressing supplies beautifully on the top of your dressing table.

A locker for clothes in a hairdresser is a necessary thing. You can use patterns and do-it-yourself furniture diagrams for dolls made of cardboard, which are full on the Internet, or you can make it from a simple cardboard box of any size. By placing it on the smaller side, we automatically get opening doors. The surface is decorated with film or paper, the internal content can be created in any way, as long as you have enough strength and ingenuity.

Chest of drawers

This item is needed for storing hairdressing equipment: combs, capes, towels. This means that a chest of drawers for dolls made from matchboxes should be present in the hairdressing salon.

What you need for work:

• matchboxes – 3 pieces;

• patterned thick napkins;

• matches.

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Assembly instructions:

1. Glue the match boxes by placing one box on top of the other.

2. Cut out a strip of napkins to fit the desired width and diameter.

3. You can also cover the back with them.

4. The front part is glued a little differently. Here you need to take out each of the drawers one by one and cover each one separately with a napkin.

5. Cut out handles from matches and fix them on the drawers.

Miniature furniture made from matchboxes is very simple and quick to make. Anyone can cope with this task – even a child.

Knowing how to make furniture for Barbie dolls with your own hands, you can create a barber shop. This pot requires a large shoe box. It should be covered inside with colorful paper – this will be the room of the house. Using different colors will add style and color.

If you have one, you can cover the floor with a piece of linoleum; you can not just cover the walls with paper, but paint them in a natural texture, for example, a brick wall, or create a background in the form of decorative plaster or simple wallpaper

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How to make furniture for dolls with your own hands using video or the Internet is more or less clear. Having made all the furniture necessary for the hairdressing salon, they are placed in a convenient order in the resulting house. Holes in the form of windows are cut in the walls; you can decorate them with cornices and curtains. Miniature pictures with hairstyles cut out from magazines will only decorate the design.

If you are interested, watch a video master class on how to make doll furniture with your own hands for girls, how to create clothes for Barbie dolls, download crocheting patterns for furniture and drawings of furniture for dolls made with your own hands.