How to make a tank out of paper – step-by-step assembly with your own hands

Weapons of World War II are characterized by many new developments. They were practically not tested from the assembly line in combat conditions. Of the types of weapons created at that time, some remain relevant today.

The Great Patriotic War differs from all previous military campaigns in its large-scale tank battles. Tanks were used in the early world, but they were not reliable and were not considered a primary strike force.

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During World War II the situation changed. The parties created powerful tank forces, which were used as an active striking force in the offensive. The German command was the first to use huge armies of tanks on the battlefields. At the height of the Great Patriotic War, tank armies were created in the USSR, consisting of the latest vehicles of the time – T-34s, which were able to withstand the combined forces of the enemy “Tigers” and “Panthers”.

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You can introduce your child to the basic patterns of the technique by making them with your own hands, for example, from paper. To play the game, you can build two armies and create different types of vehicles.

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Introducing history through play and creating toy models will help to interest a child and instill in him an interest in the history of his country and studies.

DIY paper tank

To make a tank with your own hands for children, no special tools or costs are required. Preparing the creative process takes some time and does not require large expenditures of resources. For the model you will need: paper, cardboard, scissors or a stationery knife, glue or glue gun, or just paper if you choose the origami technique.

как сделать танк из бумаги формата А4

Selection and preparation of materials

The choice of materials depends on the volume of the model and its use. If you are going to make a small decorative model, you can use regular A4 paper.

If the tank is created for games, then in this case, instead of regular paper, it is better to give preference to cardboard, white or colored. This craft will be stronger and last longer. A child will be able to play and build tank battles on such vehicles more than once.

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In addition to a purely paper model, you can construct a self-propelled tank. The body and turret are made of cardboard, now the “filling” is electronic.

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The chassis requires batteries, wheels and tracks. It can be made from scrap materials or assembled from toy cars. For the turret and cannon, you will also need an electronic component responsible for the rotation and firing mechanism. But such a model requires much more time and material resources, so we will focus on a do-it-yourself paper tank model.

Step-by-step instructions

Making a tank with your own hands starts with a sheet of paper. It is better to take a denser one so that it preserves the integrity and structure of the craft being created. Let’s look at the whole process step by step.

How to easily make a paper tank with your own hands? Use the origami technique. Its advantage is that a child can take part in the process. This does not require scissors or other sharp objects, and the risk of injury is minimal.

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If you plan several templates, you need to create several blanks. Children can make a paper tank with their own hands and take a direct part in this process.

емкость из бумаги для детей своими руками

A4 sheet is folded in half. Then, on the closed side of the resulting rectangle, a corner is bent so as to obtain an angle of about 450, completely limiting the part of the sheet where the sheets are not connected to each other.

The resulting corner is well unwound, for example, with a ruler, and then straightened. The opposite side of the sheet is bent in the same way at an angle of 450 and straightened. Then we do the same with the opposite side of the rectangle.

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The rectangle is turned over so that the centers of the resulting squares face up. Along these centers, the paper is folded again so that the outer side of the sheet faces inward.

The rectangle is now flipped again so that the centers of the squares are at the bottom. The edges along the existing lines are folded into double triangles. The edges of the triangles are bent in the opposite direction, and the edge of the large rectangle is an “accordion”, assembled four times from the largest to the smallest clip on the paper. The same process is followed with the second side.

как сделать резервуар из бумаги

One of the triangles in the center is divided into two smaller ones. The product is turned over and a large triangle is threaded from the opposite side onto the small ones so that the large wings remain free. They are strung in small triangles. Otherwise, a completely flat figure is formed, from which a cardboard container is already obtained.

When folded like an accordion, it forms tracks when stretched. And rolls are created from a sheet measuring 10X13, 4 on each side. The width of the strips is 0.5 cm. Each of the strips is twisted to the size of the rails. The compiled videos support each other and do not take off. If desired, you can add a little glue to strengthen it.

как сделать танк своими руками

The gun is prepared from a separate small sheet of paper by rolling it. To prevent it from straightening out, it can be secured with tape in the center or with glue. We insert one end into the center of the triangle. So, you can make a tank from A4 paper or cardboard in 15 minutes together with your child.

танк из бумаги своими руками

Working with cardboard is different in that the higher its density, the more difficult it is to fold it correctly.

танк из картона своими руками поэтапно

To make a container from cardboard, it is better to take colored or plain cardboard intended for crafts, and provide a convenient object for folding it: a ruler, a paperweight, a block.

Photo gallery of homemade paper tanks

цветные бумажные емкости

A colored cardboard tank can be made if there are already several models and several players are participating in the game.

как сделать емкость из картона

In this case, this will allow you to visually divide the equipment into several groups or armies.

модульный танк оригами

They can become protective or yellow for work in the desert or forest belt, or white for work in winter conditions.
