How to make a paper airplane for 100 meters of flight

Hello guys! In this material we will talk about how to make a paper airplane for 100 meters of flight

. Generally speaking, almost any aircraft can fly quite far – it all depends on the altitude from which it was launched. The design features of paper airplanes affect their ability to glide. So an airplane that can glide for a long time will fly for a very long time and far from a height, for example, the 16th floor. The wind will additionally help speed up and prolong the flight of such a paper craft. Let’s start our ranking of the farthest flying aircraft

5th place – the simplest paper airplane models

In this place are located all the simple models of airplanes that even a child can assemble and which we all assembled in class and let the girls and teachers see. For such tasks, ordinary blunt-nosed airplanes and gliders are quite suitable. Here are 10 of the best easy-to-assemble paper airplanes.

This is the simplest and most popular paper airplane – almost all people know it because they have been collecting it since childhood.

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The following airplane model has a fast and smooth flight. Due to the front supporting wings, the nose does not collapse, providing stabilization, lift and long flight.

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Next, let’s try to assemble a paper airplane with large wings – the design is simple and reliable.

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Next will be a blunt-nosed aircraft with increased collision resistance.

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The fifth one will be assembling a modified plane with a blunt nose. The circuit is simple, but requires careful assembly.

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Now I propose to build a good airplane out of paper with nose wings and vertical rear stabilizers. The shape of the wing of such a glider allows you to fly longer in a straight line.

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The next plane has a sharp nose and flies rapidly forward. The fins on the wings stabilize and prolong the flight of such a paper fighter.

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The following design has good piercing abilities – the craft looks like a space fighter. It seems that it was created to exterminate enemy personnel.

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The largest wings are those of the glider, which has a rather ridiculous appearance. But this does not prevent him from flying very long and far.

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The amazing design of this airplane makes it look like a space shuttle or a Boeing. He flies not far, but effectively.

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4th place – paper plane “Albatross”

Bend a sheet of A4 paper in half and draw it with your fingernail so that the fold is perfect.

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We bend the edges of the paper inward towards the central axis.

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After this, we bend the edges at an obtuse angle again towards the center. The edges of the paper should lie symmetrically on the central axis of our craft.

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Then we bend the nose of the paper airplane towards the tail and align the centers of symmetry.

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Add corner folds so that the left side is parallel to the right side.

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We bend it back and bend the sharp nose of the plane back along the flight path. We iron all the seams with our nails.

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We bend the wings so that a large area of ​​the wings remains load-bearing. We do everything extremely symmetrically so that the plane can fly further.

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At the end we form the tail. In principle, the bend of the tail can be done as in the photo of any size.

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We straighten the resulting folds upward so that it ends up in the space between the wings.

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We bend the vertical stabilizers upward parallel to the main axis of symmetry of the paper airplane. This is the plane we have – try to fly it quickly.

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If you still have any questions about assembling this aircraft, then watch the detailed video with comments.

3rd place – paper airplane diagram “Hawk”

Now we will assemble another complex aircraft.

First step. Fold the sheet in half exactly in the middle. The quality of the flight will depend on the evenness of the folds. All stages of the aircraft are done in a mirror manner – left and right.

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Second step. We bend the left and right sides towards the center.

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Third step – once again take the left and right edges of the paper and bend them towards the central axis of the plane.

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The fourth step is to bend the sharp end of the workpiece towards the tail. In this case, the bend line of the sheet should pass through the point of intersection of the edges in the middle of the paper craft. Centering is checked by matching the central bend along the long side of the sheet.

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Fifth step. We bend the edges of the paper on the left and right again towards the center, as in the photo. It is important here that the inner layer of paper does not bend or form wrinkles.

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Sixth step. We grab the outer fold and open it, and then wrap it inward as shown in the photo. We do the same from the other side of the plane. We take the formed pockets and bend them inside out.

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Seventh step. The pointed nose needs to be bent in the opposite direction about 1 cm deeper than the logical fold line. Pockets are formed there, which we bend inside the nose from approximately the middle.

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Step eight. We also wrap the tip opposite the sharp nose.

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Ninth step. We bend the paper airplane wings parallel to the keel. If the wings of your paper craft match, then the base of the airplane is assembled symmetrically.

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Tenth step. We bend the edges of the wings parallel to the main axis of symmetry to form flaps. The plane is ready.

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A detailed video on how to assemble such an airplane with your own hands from paper is given below.

2nd place – diagram of an airplane made from paper “Thunderstorm”

Let’s continue assembling a paper airplane that will fly for a long time according to a highly complex assembly scheme. We will need, as always, a sheet of A4 paper. This can be plain white or colored paper. You can also take sheets from magazines with medium paper thickness.

The first step is to fold the sheet in half. We remind you that depending on how smoothly and symmetrically your plane is assembled, it will fly in exactly the same way. After bending the sheet in half, unbend it and then move on to the second step.

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The second step is to bend the corners to the center – on one side and the other. It turns out to be such a preparation.

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Third step. The edges of the paper that formed an obtuse angle on the left are correctly bent again along the line of the nose of the aircraft to the right corners of the paper blank. See how it looks in the photo. Straighten the folds of the paper near the nose especially carefully so that everything is symmetrical.

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Fourth step. We see a point at the intersection of the bends of the left and right edges of the workpiece. Along the line through this point you need to fold the airplane in half, as shown in the photo. You can check yourself by matching the lines of the central fold. After bending, unbend, turn over and bend in the opposite direction.

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Fifth step. Turn the plane over again and fold the sides on the left and right towards the edge of the inner sheet. See photos and videos for more details.

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After this, turn the plane over again and bend the nose forward again.

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Turn it over again and turn the strip of folded paper towards the tail of the airplane blank.

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Sixth step. We bend the plane along the central longitudinal axis. It is convenient to bend the stabilizers on the wings in this position parallel to one and the other side.

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Seventh step. We bend the wings to the base. Here you can bend it in different ways and experiment, but it is considered optimal to bend it from the nose to the fender liner.

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Everything should fit together smoothly and be symmetrical. Then the paper plane will fly exactly 100 meters or more and not lean left or right.

If the plane is flying downwards, then you need to bend the back of the wings slightly upward. Thus, the flow of oncoming air will lower the tail of the aircraft and raise the nose up.

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See below for a detailed video with comments from the author on assembling such a long-flying paper airplane.

1st place – paper airplane diagram “Falcon”

This is probably one of the most beautiful paper airplanes that you can make with your own hands, because it is very similar to the real thing. To fold such a long-flying airplane with your own hands, follow the detailed instructions with photos and videos at the end.

1 – take a sheet of medium-weight A4 paper and fold the sheet in half to make a paper airplane.

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2 – fold a sheet of paper in half for the longest flying paper airplane.

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3 – crease the paper along the edges to make a cool airplane with your own hands.

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4 – we also fold the second side of an airplane made from a sheet of paper.

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5 – iron the resulting corners of the paper plane in half again.

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6 – open each wing of the plane and turn them around.

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7 – the photo below shows how to make the wings of a long-flying airplane out of paper for 100 meters.

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8 – wrap both corners of the future paper airplane in different directions symmetrically.

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9 – bend the outer part of the paper airplane to make it look like in the photo.

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10 – make the same folds on the back side of the airplane paper blank.

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11 – next you need to open both parts of the resulting airplane wings.

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12 – fold the paper plane to the isosceles angle of the triangle.

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13 – along the fold line we roll up the paper airplane structure.

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14 – then you need to bend the wings on both sides and align them symmetrically.

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15 – follow the same steps according to the instructions for the remaining wings of the paper airplane.

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16 – fold the second wing of the airplane out of paper.

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17 – The next step is to fold the wings upward to improve the maneuverability of the paper airplane.

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18 – bend the wings up for better stability of the paper airplane.

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19 – on the other side we bend the corners on the wings.

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20 – the flaps of a finished paper airplane can be bent so that it can fly further than 100 meters.

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21 – if your paper plane crashes frequently and its nose becomes bent, fix it with nail polish.

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The longest flying aircraft is ready for testing. If you launch it from the 9th floor or higher, it will fly and glide much further than the 100-meter mark. Gusts of wind and rising air currents will help the paper plane rise as high as possible and fly further.

Below is another interesting video on assembling in the style of origami
cool aircraft similar to the F-15
. The diagram is complex, so watch carefully.