How to keep your child busy at home: 6 ways

With the onset of winter, when it hasn’t snowed outside yet, but it’s already cold or raining, it’s not very comfortable to walk with your child, so you need to know what to do with your child at home. The baby spends most of his time with his mother – in warmth and comfort. However, children cannot sit in one place for a long time; they require constant attention. One has only to turn away and the seemingly obedient baby is already pressing the remote control with his fingers or playing with his mother’s phone.

Despite the fact that all children are different, they all love to play, especially if adults play with them. It is clear that a mother cannot play with her baby all day long, since she has a lot of other worries, but devote some time to her child and know what to do
Any woman who wants her child to develop harmoniously is capable of having a child.


If you give a child blocks and show him how to build a house, then he himself will begin to assemble different buildings from them – here is a garage for cars, here is a chair for a doll
. Step by step the child will acquire new knowledge.

дети дома занимаются игрой в кубики

When playing with a child, you need to teach him everything, telling him what can be made from cubes, what shape they have, color and size. It is advisable to have a set of different cube figures at home, from which you can build a pointed tower or truck. For older children, you will need a construction set.


You can not only play with dolls with girls, but also sew clothes for the doll. A little daughter can freely cut out a circle from the fabric, which her mother will draw and the middle, to make a skirt for the doll.

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Together with her mother, the baby can sew socks for the doll, dress it up in bows, and beautifully decorate the doll’s dress with flowers made from ribbons. This is a good way to remember your sewing skills and keep your child busy.


Preschoolers who will soon go to school require special attention. You need to not only play with them, but also study them, preparing them for school. However, classes should look like a game, since children at this age still find it difficult to sit still for a long time, and in the process of a kind of game the child will gradually learn to be assiduous.

So, what can you do when teaching your child the alphabet and counting? First you need to prepare game cards, and you can do them together with your baby. Ordinary pictures are also suitable for this purpose; they can be pasted onto cardboard, making them the same size. You can also take cards specially designed for this. You can use matchboxes as cards for counting by cutting out colored ones
pictures-rectangles from caps.

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It is important that the baby is interested. The cards are laid out in front of him, he must look at them and count them. If the baby does not yet know how to count, this needs to be done together.

Having laid out 5 pictures in front of the child, you need to ask them to count them, and then remove them one by one, asking them to name the remaining number. In the same way, pictures are added, explaining what action is taking place (addition or subtraction).

To help your baby learn the alphabet faster, you can hang a bright alphabet in his room with pictures showing the letters of the alphabet. There are many methods by which you should start learning letters. Every mother should choose for her child the one that she considers most suitable to keep her child busy with reading.


The next point is to study the signs “more than” and “less than”. When arranging pictures in two piles, you need to ask the child where there are more pictures and where there are fewer, or maybe their number is the same? To do this, you need to prepare cards with the signs “>”, “<”, “=”, as well as “+” and “–”.

вырезаем карточки и цифры для занятий с ребенком

The next step is to learn letters and numbers. From thick paper
Cards with numbers and letters are cut out. They can be printed on a computer, enlarged to the desired size and printed. The best way is to do it in a table, then it will be easier to cut them. To make them last longer, it is advisable to stick them on cardboard or a sheet of whatman paper.


The most common method to keep a child busy and quickly teach him to read is to study letters using the ABC book by N. S. Zhukova, where parents are explained in an accessible form how to conduct the lesson. If your baby refuses to read a book, it is better to work with cards while playing with him. Small rhymes about letters will help your child learn them faster. In addition, the child’s memory and imagination will be developed.


Activities with letters and numbers should be alternated with crafts, drawing, and coloring. In this case, the baby will not get tired and lose interest in learning.

As crafts, you can come up with simple things that a child can do with his own hands, having prepared the blanks in advance. For example, cut out flowers, leaves and other figures from an old chintz dress or grandmother’s scarf, apron. From them you can create a flower meadow, a sea with a sailboat or a football field. The composition must be thought up in advance or improvised.

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You need to put everything on paper, a plastic lid, plate or suitable packaging container and let your child stick it carefully. And if there is a stapler in the house and the child knows how to use it, then you can easily keep the child busy – let him attach the fabric to colored cardboard with a stapler.

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By collecting autumn leaves, you can also use them to create simple compositions – flowers, forest, animals. A composition on paper can be created from figures by cutting them out of colored paper. A child can create a car, a sun, a snowman, or a house himself.

аппликация хорошо подходит для развития ребенка


From the most common paper napkins
You can teach your child to cut out simple snowflakes by rolling them up and drawing marks on them that need to be cut out. And, unfolding them, you get a lot of openwork “material” for creating an unusual rose. To do this, stack all the snowflakes on top of each other, pressing the middle with your finger, lift the edges up, and then turn them over and twist the “tail”, securing it with tape.

необычная роза из салфеток

This rose can be made on a stem by attaching a straw for juice to it or simply “dipping” it into a vase. And the vase will not be “empty”, and the flower will decorate the room, and “snowflakes” will not be scattered throughout the room.

роза из салфеток в вазе


Using plasticine, you can allow your child to create something of his own using his imagination, for example, seaweed. You can help him make fish, a tumbler, a bunny or a bear.

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You can also make unique things from colored, bright tape or “refresh” existing ones, for example, wrap it around a cup of ear sticks, making a pen stand out of it. You can decorate a stapler, a mirror, pens, cubes, a lamp and other items that can be found in the house.

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обклейка степлера наклейками

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Children love to watch animals or birds, changes in nature, they just need to be pushed towards this, for example, by making a simple feeder from the most elementary material
– a shoe box or a lid from it, from plastic containers for food or other suitable materials that are in the house.

чем занять ребенка до года

If you know how to keep a child occupied and conduct classes with passion, then the child will learn everything with pleasure, learning about the world, letters, numbers, counting, putting letters into syllables, composing words and even whole sentences.

If you have a small child and he is not yet 1 year old, then the next video is for you.