DIY ship: how to make it for children from paper, cardboard, wood, applique with diagrams | All about needlework

Ship with a paper sail: step-by-step description with diagram

A paper boat with a sail looks much more attractive and more similar to the original. Making a boat with a sail is quite easy.

The simplest option is to make a classic boat and attach a mast with sails to it.

You can immediately make a sailboat out of paper. To do this you will need a sheet of paper of any color.

Make a square from a sheet of A4 paper. Fold it in half diagonally to create a triangle.

Unfold the sheet back and fold it in half in the usual way.

Unfold the sheet and fold it in half again on the other side.

Straighten the sheet and bend the corners of the squares marked with lines towards the center. Fold the craft in half and unfold.

Fold the free left corner towards the center and you will get an open envelope. Bend this edge to the side. We bend this corner into the ship.

We will get something like a diamond.

Fold the right corner up – we get two sails in the end.

Bend the bottom corner back towards the center and turn the product onto your face.

Such a boat can be decorated or some details can be drawn to complete the picture.

6 best paper boat designs

A paper boat is a wonderful craft! It develops fine motor skills (if you fold crafts carelessly, you won’t get a boat), it trains spatial thinking wonderfully, and besides, you can go outside and play with the resulting boat!

Warship applique

An application of this type would be appropriate on postcards for February 23, or May 9. When children make cards for dads or grandfathers, they will need the ability to make warship appliqués.

You can use a template to make a ship.

Ship template for applique

Ship applique for little ones

Little ones should learn how to use scissors and glue and how to draw basic elements of nature before they go to school.

Therefore, such an applique as a boat at sea, which is combined with drawing skills, will be an excellent training.


At first, anything will do: from a notebook sheet to an ordinary office one. But given that we will be making floating models, in the future it is better to take thicker paper, for example, drawing paper. There is also printing paper. It is used for the production of glossy magazines and geographical maps. Resistant to soaking and ideal for ships!

Another version of a ship’s mast made of foam plastic.

Let’s make a cross from two toothpicks and wrap it with thread. Let’s break off the ends.

The sail can be made from a leaf from a tree, or from fabric.

More complex foam ship designs will require more time.


Scissors: needed to create a square sheet from a rectangular one. In the future, it will also be necessary to acquire a metal ruler, a stationery knife and a sharpened pencil of hardness T, 2T or TM (H, 2H, HB) for marking. This will immediately increase accuracy and precision, and the fold lines will be just perfect! Instead of a knife, some use a sharpened stick.

Observe safety precautions: a knife and scissors are not a toy!

PVA glue: some models have weak joints. We will strengthen them with gluing.

Using cardboard

For a larger scale craft, you can make a boat out of cardboard. In this case, you will need a number of materials:

  • Cardboard – it’s best to go with corrugated;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue;
  • Deep container;
  • Materials for painting the product;
  • Fabric;
  • Double-sided tape.

Having prepared all the tools, you can begin making the vessel:

  1. Details of the future ship are cut out of cardboard. Templates for craft boat parts are shown in the photo.
  2. All parts are connected to each other using double-sided tape.
  3. At the same time, matcha is made; for this, take a wooden stick and 6-7 pieces of cardboard, about 6 cm in diameter.
  4. Next, you can begin decorating the ship. To do this, glue and water are diluted in a bowl in a 1:1 ratio and the resulting mixture is coated with pre-shredded white paper. Pieces of paper are glued over the entire surface of the vessel. Thus, apply 5-6 layers of the composition, and then wait for the glue to dry.
  5. Then, using paints and brushes, you can paint the ship as you wish.

The prepared piece of fabric can be used to create a flag, which will later be attached to the mast.

How to make a two-pipe motor ship from A4 paper: step-by-step diagram

You can make a boat from a sheet of paper in different ways and the models come out different. The most classic options are familiar to everyone, and the scheme for folding a paper boat is passed down from parents to children. But for those who have forgotten, there are step-by-step descriptions.

To make a motor ship out of paper, we need a sheet of paper and scissors.

Make a square from a rectangular sheet of A4 paper. Fold the sheet diagonally and carefully cut off a strip from the edge.

In the resulting square, fold all 4 corners towards the center. Turn the workpiece over and fold all the corners towards the center again. And let’s repeat it again. Let’s turn the workpiece over and unfold two small squares – this is how we get the pipes of the future ship.

Put these pipes together and smooth them out.

How to make a warship out of paper

Ask any boy what his favorite game is and he will name war games. They can be on the ground with an army of soldiers, or using planes or ships.

You can easily make a warship out of paper. It is enough to choose any version of a paper ship, simply paint it with the appropriate colors, and add military attributes.

Such a ship can be made from green paper, or a white sheet can be painted in advance to resemble camouflage.

We will draw two lines on a sheet of paper – horizontally and vertically.

Bend the bottom part of the leaf in half and turn the product over.

We fold the two edges of the figure inward towards the vertical line, they will play the role of the side of the ship.

Let’s open the corners at the bottom of the workpiece, which will be the side of the ship.

Carefully fold the top part and bend it upward immediately.

Fold the corners on the sides.

We open the product along the marked lines, and fold the edges of the top closer to the center.

Turn the workpiece.

How to make a paper boat with your own hands

Paper crafts are considered the simplest boats. They fold quickly, do not require much time to create, and the child can decorate and color it as desired.

How to make a ship out of wood with your own hands

A wooden boat is every boy’s dream. Together with your dad or grandfather, you can carve the simplest version of a boat.

To preserve the wood longer, you can paint the top or varnish it.

How to make a ship from shells with your own hands

Did you bring a lot of shells from the sea? They can be used and beautifully decorated by making a boat out of shells. Resorts sell ready-made souvenirs in the form of ships made of shells, but it is much nicer to put on a shelf a craft made by your child.

How to make a three-dimensional applique: a boat in the older group

This work uses the skills of drawing, gluing, and cutting, as well as the child’s creative talents.

How to assemble a paper boat: diagrams

Add a few more options for paper boats to your collection, suitable for both beginners and experienced shipbuilders. Unusual DIY ship crafts can decorate any children’s room.

Tip: to prevent a paper boat from becoming limp in water for a long time, dip it in melted paraffin and dry it. This way it will be able to repel water and will last longer.

Ships in the roadstead: application in the preparatory group

You can easily place several ships on this application and this work can be done collectively. This process will help children learn to identify the parts of a ship. Each boat may have a different shape and deck color. You can depict pirate or warships.

You can pre-color the background

If the work is done by a group of children, you can give each child the task of creating their own model of a ship.

Ship in the form of an applique

If, in addition to entertaining the child, there is a desire to develop his fine motor skills and creative abilities, then you can make a boat craft in the form of an applique.

To do this you will need to stock up on a number of materials:

  • Colored paper and cardboard;
  • Pencil;
  • Glue;
  • Paper napkin.

The peculiarity of the applique is that pre-prepared elements are attached to the base. Therefore, if this type of entertainment is planned with small children, then prepare the following templates:

  • Ship;
  • 2 sails;
  • Flag;
  • 2 seagulls;
  • 2 waves;
  • 2 suns – one larger, the other smaller.

Colors for these elements are subject to your own consideration.

You can even involve a child in the process so that he can choose the colors of the elements himself, and it doesn’t matter if the sun is pink.

Next, the following manipulations are performed:

  1. 2 suns are glued onto the colored base. Small on top of big.
  2. A little space is removed from the sun and a boat is glued to the bottom. 2 waves of different colors are glued on top of the boat.
  3. Then the sails are attached, initially small and then large.
  4. Moreover, the large sail is not glued completely, but only one edge of it is glued so that the craft comes out slightly voluminous.
  5. A flag is attached and seagulls are located near it above the ship.

This theme can have a lot of plots, both simple for kids and more complex for lovers of crafts.

Paper boat: folding pattern

By showing your imagination, you can create dozens of different ships by design.

A boat with a sail or flags will look original

Boat made of cardboard and paper

Cardboard is a very convenient material for crafts, and colored paper will help make the craft bright and attractive. In order for the work to turn out beautiful and neat, use good scissors that will not tear the cardboard, but will make a beautiful and even cut. If it is too early for a child to use sharp scissors, then parents can do it for them.

Toilet paper rolls are also actively used in crafts due to their shape.

Ship: applique in the younger group

For little ones, have some pre-printed pieces ready – you can even cut them out in advance. This is important so that children can understand which colors to combine and learn to understand shapes.

Print out ready-made templates and help children understand which part to glue where.

You can choose from several options, focusing on different degrees of difficulty.

Ship: paper applique in kindergarten

Activities with colored paper are not only fun, colorful results, but also creative development. For kids who are not yet 3 years old, you can make blanks, cut out the parts in advance, and then glue them onto a sheet of cardboard or paper. Older children can be given scissors with rounded edges.

It is convenient to use glue for appliques – a pencil or PVA with a brush.

Cardboard ship: how to make it yourself

Children and parents are often asked to bring joint crafts to school on a given topic. It’s not difficult to come up with a cardboard craft on a marine theme. The ship can be made in one evening, taking an old equipment box.

DIY foam ship for children

Don’t rush to throw away foam plastic after purchasing household appliances, especially if you have children. It can be useful for making a quick boat.

Colored paper ship: simple applique

To make a beautiful and bright applique, we will need a set of colored paper, scissors, glue, pencil, ruler.

Materials that will be used in master classes

To work we need the following:


  • 2 sheets of foam – 5 cm thick
  • Line
  • Sushi chopsticks
  • Hot glue
  • Sail fabric
  • Paper clips
  • Superglue
  • Knife
  • Sandpaper
  • Ruler
  • Pencil

Let’s start with the ship’s hull:

Draw a rectangle and cut off two corners on one side.

For the captain’s cabin we need two squares

Glue the thicker square to the back of the body, moving it a little back.

From the second thin square we cut out the corners, as on the body

Glue the second part to the bow of the ship

How to make a ship mast:

Cut two sticks and make a cross, fastening them in the middle with super glue.

Cut out a square for the sail from old fabric. We make a cut in the middle. This will make it easier to reinforce the sail. Bend the edge near the horizontal stick and secure with a stapler.

Using a paper clip, make a hook to insert into the sides of the hull and attach the lower edges of the sails to them with fishing line.

Model No. 1: boat

  1. Take a sheet of A4 size office paper. It is rectangular, but this model requires a square. Place the sheet vertically. Take the upper right corner with your right hand and bend it down until the top side of the sheet coincides in line with the left side. Press the corner firmly and straighten the diagonal. We get a double triangle.
  2. There is an extra rectangular area under the triangle that needs to be removed. To do this, use scissors or cut with a knife using a ruler.
  3. Open the double triangle and get a square.
  4. Fold it in half along the horizontal axis. We get a double rectangle. Let’s expand it.
  5. Bend each rectangle in half inward, towards the central horizontal line.
  6. We bend what happened again in half along the horizontal line. Now we have a narrow double rectangle. We position it so that it opens from the top.
  7. Fold the bottom left and right corners of the rectangle up. They should not reach the top edge by about 15 mm. We get a rectangle with corners turned up and a narrow double stripe at the top.
  8. From this strip you need to form the sides of the boat. To do this, divide each strip in half lengthwise and bend it down along this line 2 times.

Attention! Our strip (side) should press the 2 corners bent up. This is the weak point in this model! You can lightly glue the corners and strip with glue to strengthen the structure.

  1. We turn our product over to the other side and form the second side by folding the upper open edge of the rectangle down 2 times. The boat is almost ready!
  2. It is necessary to form the keel of the boat on which it will stand. To do this, bend the lower, closed part upward by about 10 mm. Unbend.
  3. Turn it over to the other side and bend it up again by 10 mm. Unbend. We now have lines along which we will set the keel inward.
  4. We stretch the sides in different directions and set the sharp keel inward, creating the bottom of the boat. This will give her stability. The boat is ready to sail!

Model No. 2: catamaran

The first steps of making this model are similar to the previous one.

  1. Making a square. For a description of how to do it, see the “Boat” instructions.
  2. Bend it in half along the vertical line. Let’s straighten it out.
  3. Now we bend each half in half inward towards the central vertical line. Let’s straighten it out.
  4. Rotate the sheet 90 degrees. We repeat all the operations: fold it in half along a vertical line. Let’s straighten it out.
  5. Bend each half in half inward towards the central vertical line. Let’s straighten it out. We should end up with a sheet divided into 4 large squares and 16 small ones. This is important to understand for further work.
  6. We make two large diagonals, folding our workpiece in half along them. Let’s straighten it out.
  7. We look at the unfolded sheet. It is divided into 4 squares. In each of these squares you need to make diagonals.
  8. To do this, take each of the 4 squares by a corner and bend them diagonally inward, towards the center of the large square and straighten it.
  9. The result is a large square with diagonals, which consists of 4 smaller squares, also divided by diagonals.
  10.  Fold the left and right halves of the workpiece in half inward, towards the vertical center line.
  11. We look at the vertical blank. It now consists of two squares: upper and lower. These are the two parts from which we will form the catamaran boats. We work with the bottom square.

Attention! Difficult moment! There are two corners located in the center of the lower edge of the rectangular blank. We pull them up one by one, towards the middle of the workpiece. We get a rhombus located at an angle downwards.

  1. The upper corner of the resulting diamond consists of two corners. We stretch them in different directions, while simultaneously lifting its lower corner up. It turns out to be a flat boat. Turn the workpiece 180 degrees.
  2. We repeat all the previous operations with the second half and get a second boat, symmetrical to the first.
  3. We bend the workpiece so that two boats are folded along a horizontal line.
  4. Straighten the sides of the boats. The catamaran is ready to sail!

Model No. 3: classic boat

  1. Take a sheet of A4 format. We place it vertically. That is, the small side of the rectangle will be at the bottom. Bend it in half along the horizontal axis. We get a rectangle, closed at the top and open at the bottom.
  2. Mark the middle on the top side.
  3. We bend the left and right upper corners down to the vertical axis of the rectangle, which passes through the middle we marked. We get 2 triangles, bent to the center, and under them a long narrow strip – a double rectangle.
  4. We bend the strip up first on one side, turn the workpiece over and bend the second strip up in the same way.
  5. On the strips bent upward, you need to bend the protruding corners.

Attention! You need to bend the corners inward, between the main triangle and the strip. Many people make the mistake here of bending the corner over the large triangle. The bent corners should not overlap each other.

  1. The result is a triangle. We take the centers of its base and stretch them to the sides. The result is a square with an open angle pointing downwards.
  2. Fold the corner of the square up, first on one side. Turn it over and also bend the second corner up. The result is a triple triangle.
  3. We take the centers of its base and stretch them to the sides. The result is a square with an open angle pointing downwards.
  4. Take the upper corners and stretch them in different directions – a boat comes out!
  5. Now you need to slightly straighten its lower part for stability.

The paper flotilla is ready to sail!

Origami develops attentiveness, accuracy, precision and spatial thinking! Making boats will allow you to have a good time with your child, because it involves field testing, which is always interesting.

Transfer the part templates onto colored paper:

  •  3 clouds on blue paper,
  • yellow triangle, blue flag,
  • yellow semi-oval,
  • red rectangle,
  • blue hexagon,
  • 3 blue waves,
  • Black Bird

The colors of the ship can be safely replaced with those that the child wants more.

The boat is sailing: three-dimensional applique

If you make some details voluminous, the applique will turn out to be more original. The parts that create volume are glued last.

Popular materials for making a boat

In order for the process of creating such a craft as a boat to be interesting for a child, you can not limit yourself to using paper, you can pay attention to the following materials:

  • Cardboard – can be used both colored and regular boxes;
  • Egg trays;
  • Wooden Ice Cream Sticks;
  • Plastic;
  • Wine corks.

The list of tools and materials can be increased, but, as a rule, this is suitable for situations where some kind of competitive ship models are created.


You can, of course, fold the boat on your knees, but then you will get the corresponding quality. Organize your workplace: a table with good lighting!

Now that the organizational part is completed, let’s get to work! Let’s start from simple to complex. During the familiarization phase, we will not use bending tools when folding. This will reduce the time.

Making a boat from shells

This kind of crafts can always be purchased at the seaside and brought home so that they remind you of a wonderful vacation.

But if you don’t want to spend money and have free time, then you can make a boat out of shells yourself, this version of the craft will be even more memorable.

The following materials will be required:

  • Large shell for the base of a ship;
  • 2 flat shells, will act as a sail;
  • Wooden skewers will act as sail holders;
  • Threads;
  • Glue;
  • Paint and varnish.

Now it’s worth figuring out how to make a craft boat from these materials. To do this you need to follow the instructions:

  1. The base of the ship is placed on a pedestal. This can be any thing, including a simple countertop, as long as the sink is in a stable position.
  2. Take skewers and glue them one by one to the sink in a vertical position.
  3. Take flat round shells and glue them to skewers, thus forming sails.
  4. It is better to turn the shells in one direction, so they look more impressive.
  5. All masts are tied with threads. And to give the sailboat some texture, it can be painted red. Then everything is varnished.

A hand-made boat will decorate any home, and it doesn’t matter whether it’s a huge sailboat made of shells or a simple paper version.

Boat template: paper applique

Glue two waves on the bottom of the sheet, leaving space for the third wave.

Glue the deck in the form of a blue hexagon and perpendicular to the red long rectangle – the mast.

Glue a yellow triangle to the right of the red mast, and a semi-oval to the left. We will place a flag on the mast. Directly on the blue deck, between the two waves, we will glue the third wave.